Who saw 1D in 3D!!! ( I saw it!!!) I cried 13 times!!!

I cried too!!!
7 votes

I don't care
17 votes

Loved it!!!
20 votes

48 votes


FangirlForever❤️I CRIED SO MUCH!!!!!!

Amanda Horan Ikr

Hello@Amanda Horan I watched it with you :3

Amanda Horan Lol

Austin mahone lover❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I cried the whole movie because they were all so beautiful omg

Mrs_HoranI did same well 11 times I think

Cuz I can ride!!!!🏇I cried when zayn my fave bought his fam a nice big house and saw him top less on the 2 wheeled thing on a ramp

RoseElizabeth🌸cried the second it came on ...