I don't care when people say mean stuff to my face but I hate it when they talk about me behind my back!!

64 votes

25 votes

Get over it
100 votes


gracieme too that is just bull shit if ur gonna say something about somebody say it to their face ugggg

One word:Penguins🐧I HATE that!

gracieyep me too

Amelia!?!When people talk bout me i brush it off, I think to myself "what people think about me is non of my business" it always helps me 😊


💗Abbie💋💋same 😭😭

Mae@AmeliaSmith!!! That's a really good idea thanks xxxx

Amelia!?!@Jess no prob 😊

😝YOLO😝@AmeliaSmith!!! Thanks

😝YOLO😝Those people don't shut up but they're still to shy to come and face me its stupid 😰

Needmoneyme to Mean people

😝YOLO😝@Needmoney yeah it's stupid isn't it

Maeyeah some people say small stuff about me behind my back. Such as I speak really posh and it's wired or something. But I won't tell u the rest xxx

😝YOLO😝@Jess I know how you feel but I'm not called posh I'm called other horrible things

LOL :) Me too