Do you like 1D "there not my favorite"

120 votes

I hate them
108 votes

There okay
91 votes

I love them
22 votes


HThey're* It's not hard. Go to school and pay attention in English.

Hey, it's just me 🙈@Helin lol

Amanda Horan I'm a DIRECTIONER!!!

Yo bro 😄😃😀😂😋😆😫these 1d questions are getting fucking annoying

newlondonfire @Helin thank you

Kacey Leigh I'm not a fan of them I'm a directioner

Hello@Kacey Leigh you do know directioners are fans of 1D

HelloI like 1D and I am a guy

😝YOLO😝@Amanda Horan it's quite obvious 😁

Kacey Leigh @Juan directioners love 1D more

Hello@Kacey Leigh I know but I thought that you didn't like 1D and you were saying you were a directioner

jonhate them