Favourite member of Pierce the Veil?

Jaime Preciado
10 votes

Mike Fuentes
15 votes

Tony Perry
17 votes

Vic Fuentes
28 votes


AidanOliviait's so hard to pick omg

newlondonfire @AidanOlivia i know i adore them all so much o_o


newlondonfire @lucks oh my god you're missing out go listen to their songs Besitos, King For A Day, Bulls In The Bronx, A Match Into Water, The Sky Under The Sea, Hell Above and The First Punch now do it go

newlondonfire @lucks they have maaannyy other great songs but check those out first and Caraphernelia and Chemical Kids And Mechanical Brides

BethanyAnd I'm low on gas and u need a jacket

Jennai have the same birthday as Mike