What would you be more likely to pay for on HeyCrowd ? Please comment

A private messaging system to chat with other users
1957 votes

None, I would never pay !
7432 votes

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1644 votes



Njorda16cool question

Shania Don't understand why it's so "cool"

Baileyprivate messaging would be cool

Shania @Sylvia Then get a kik. Dis be heyCROWD!!!

NicolaI would never ever pay 😀

miss pink Nicole I vote with you


KEZZA That is not a cool question but that is just my opinion I wouldn't pay for anything just like Shania said u could just get Kik or Facebook x

Bethi would love a private messaging system on here x

Marc Bragg@Shania deleting now asshole

I ❤ the wanted!!@Nicola Same I'm wiv u 😃😃😃

Emmanuel@Beth there is one now !

😈LucyPipeFTW😈none I would never pay

Anna@Emmanuel Bellity there is?



Emma mcgregor Never I ain't paying anything

Jacknothing ever

Sofiathey already have both of those

ShyCoolKidFor people( Directioners ) to stop asking about one direction and for all directioners to leave this app. Time to get ready for the hate ;P

stephenThis is a dumb answer

Komalpreet @stephen

BadmanNone never I would raver save my money

charlotteRaver save my money than spend it on hey crowd

Emma pilkingtonHey crowd is fun but it's not good enough to pay for

Leah @Emma pilkington yea I agree

Aminaprincessxxxx @stephen Ikr and it's wasting your money

superman02u can already chat to talk to other prople

Kate Deany would anyone pay 4 a free game??

katyi would save my money for better stuff like a roof over my head or to have something on my plate but if I was a well teenager or a kid i would save up to get something more worth it ...

Emmanuel@Kate Dean because its a lot of work for the developers who make it ! (We are two)

laurenyou can chat

User 2081754never pay!

HollychambersNever pay