Favourite villain

Worm tail
12 votes

Draco Malloy
74 votes

Voldemort/ Tom riddle
77 votes

Bellatrix lestrange
113 votes


Heza!Loki! >:)

Heza!Heh....not even in Harry potter but ohh well!

Moustache monster😊

Heza!in Harry potter it would be Draco. Cos he's creepy :P

😈LucyPipeFTW😈In Harry potter it would be Draco cos he's creepy Beatrix lest range

Mimiits malfoy

1sully9562it's Malloy

1sully9562I mean malfoy it automatically corrected

💜doge💜😡 fuck u all

💜doge💜@😈LucyPipeFTW😈 not included cuz ur pic is a sexy dog