My best friend is moving to England. I'm so sad! Ps that her in the pic

62 votes

139 votes


Aliceaww don't be sad she will always be with u

Alicein ur heart

Mae@Alice yeah. My BFF is at a different school a few miles from my school and house and she doesn't answer when I call her or text her but I'm sure you BFF Is lovely and will keep in touch xx

Alice@Jess I will

Mae@Alice aww thanks xx

FangirlForever❤️@Jess pls answer on my first question xxxx

Alice@Jess ur welcome

Mae@🆔🍀LAUGH🍀🆔 ok xx

Heza!my best friend lives about a mile away, he is getting homeschooled and I never see him. But I still live him so much!

Mae@Heza! Aww xx

Mae@🆔🍀LAUGH🍀🆔 I have already xx

Katrina<3nvm. She's moving I w me now!! Yay

Hey, it's just me 🙈where do you live ?

bailey My friend jess is moving to Iran soon she's me only BFF I'm gutted

Mae@bailey my names jess! He he! And I'm really sorry xxx

zoemargaret_xEngland's AWSOME j


YouAreLOVED<3keep in touch