Ur in a race ur in 4th place u pass three people what are u in now

3th place
8 votes

2th place
20 votes

187644th place
12 votes

1th place
147 votes


Rob1th? What the hell is that?

haf@Rob. Yeah it's supposed to be 1st

ABSOLUTELY NO@Rob alla em have a "th" at the end. What the hell, Rob? What the hell?

Dat boi popplio1st... Not 1th, 2th or 3th

Dat boi popplioOr 187644th

Dat boi popplioStrange how the answer wasn't even there...

Ethanthe people who post these are so fucking retarded

ǰʉłïⱥ ∞I would say 1st but it doesn't specify who you passed, you could have just lapped 3 people. But it says 1th anyway so I don't even care

AshleyBenson1st, 2nd,3d NOT 1th, 2th, 3th


A@ǰʉłïⱥ ∞. ditto
