What you think of new miley cyrus?

I miss the old miley cyrus
86 votes

I dont like her
82 votes

Other opinion (comment)
24 votes

Shes cooool
64 votes


keileighShe needs mental help

shortieain't no reason she shoulda make that full 360 to change herself. I HAD everything Miley Cyrus because of Hannah Montana so now I have to give it to ma younger cousin who wasn't even alive to see what she was b4 she about to. Turn 5

YouAreLOVED<3Honest : I respect the new Miley , it's ok for me . She can do what she want . She can Twerk all day and all night . She can do party all day and all night . That's ok for me , but what I reallly hate is that she make other celebs down -.- for example JB or Sel . That's not cool . That's really stupid . I also don't like the "Smilers" ok she had a 180 degree change but as a fan you should still like her . I mean look at us , we love / support / help justin always even at his bad moments/days . We're there for him , to be a Belieber is a promise .