What Would you do if your Kid came Home with a Bad Reportcard?

Buy a New Mustang because you don't have to Save for Collage
66 votes

Give the Teacher some extra Money for some Good Grades
66 votes

Take him to Mc Donalds and Show him his Future
266 votes


...take him to mc donalds and then beat the hell outta him in mc donalds with a frying pan or a spatula or some cooking utensil i found in back of mc donalds then take him home and take away all electronics and entertainment and give him some food and tell him not to come out till morning then after school put him back after a week he would learn unless he had a good reason for bad grades then id tell him to do better

Ireland OMG! No! That's terrible! Why would you do that? Why wouldn't you just take away their electronics and then yell at them, and go talk to their teacher about why they are doing so badly when you haven't even seen any 'bad grades' come home, then come back from the conference and yell that them more?

...@Ireland Itd qork though i dont want any kid of mine to work at mcdonalds for his whole life because he didint get a good education

Ireland @... Yeah, I guess so, it is just so scary and confrontational, yuck

...@Ireland Still do u want ur kids if u have any not to have anything cause they wouldnt learn anything

...im a nut incase u didint know

...@Ireland I wouldnt literally beat him in mcdonalds but i would whoop him at home

AudraZW@Ireland u r so smart... I totally would do what u said


Bill Rabara lol. First one. That is hilarious