Do you like my drawing? :)

I could do better
10 votes

I love it
462 votes

16 votes

66 votes



AlessiaSei molto brava

Laleenthat's awesome!!!

Kendraxxwhat a cutie

💎Charlotte💎Wow !

ABSOLUTELY NOYou're super talented!!



WeeabooTrashyou did not draw that

Personnnsweet! Yea.

Rosie Amazing!

Lionlover16☻Thats so good

MUSTACHEyou obviously didn't draw that


AnnaIf you drew that, it's amazing, but if you didn't, shame on you for lying..

Alexis SmithAwesome

Candy girl11amazing

Florica R. AndersonIt's so cute!

AnnaIt's an amazing drawing whether you draw it or not. If you didn't draw it, then shame on you for saying you did draw it

Samihaisdabest📱😊😍😘😋drawing or picture?

x.EmG.x@DG I think she took the picture on internet...

sophiabarzanjiPlease reply me to my email address so that i will introduce about me to you with my details and with some of my pictures (