Anyone have these. ( looms)

43 votes

24 votes


laurynwhere can I get these from?

FriendsYou need the kit you can get the kit from shop rite, justice, target,MIcheals, Walmart

laurynanywhere in England haha x

Friends@laurynloveswenlock lol

LadyAwesomesti make them on pencils

Friends@LadyAwesomest I hate making them on pencils so I make them bye hand

LadyAwesomest@Friends well u can't stop and put it down right

Friends@LadyAwesomest lol I just pretend there not there and do something else it works tho XD

LadyAwesomest@Friends lol

Friends@LadyAwesomest hehe 😛

LadyAwesomest@Friends I'm tiredddd

Friends@LadyAwesomest same

LadyAwesomest@Friends yeah I wanna go to bedddd

Friends@LadyAwesomest NiGht NogHt


LadyAwesomest@Friends yeah hold on ur 15 right?

Friends@LadyAwesomest yea

LadyAwesomest@Friends where do u live Wat state

Friends@LadyAwesomest New Jersey

LadyAwesomest@Friends my word me to

Friends@LadyAwesomest oh cool what part of New Jersey

LadyAwesomestlike Bordentown ish someplace in there it's a little town but I'm not saying cuz stalkers WBU?

Friendslol sickerville

LadyAwesomest@Friends is that in central north or south


LadyAwesomestOh I'm central. Well ok bye going to beddd

Friends@LadyAwesomest bye good night