Which character from Marvel Comics do you prefer? (comment why)

21 votes

19 votes

40 votes

17 votes


rockngrohlhawkeye because who wouldn't want to be able to kill someone with a bow and arrow I mean come on!

salsamouseLoki- two words: Tom Hiddleston!!!

Your momSpider-Man!

townzieboy Hawk eye see him on avengers assembled were he doesn't even look with his bow and arrow but still gets one

Miku HatsuneLoki, the-best-of-the-World I LOVE HIM 😍😍

rockngrohl@salsamouse but hawkeye is a better marvel character. But I totally agree with the Tom thing :D

Madison T ❤Suicidal Loki and IRON MAN!!!!!!!

Jodie🐸🍷Loki and hawkeye