is she pretty??

1238 votes

kind of!
661 votes

354 votes

not really
454 votes


Jess4860oops clicked wrong button yes

Alyssa <3maybe if she smiled

Ashly Silva loves JB!ugly

Ashly Silva loves JB!ugly

Rowski_13She's perfect the way she is u peeps r mean if u say she's ugly

I <3 Yoga PantsYeah if you smiled

hush smile

hush its clearly the person who made the question.

skymarie<3Smile:) then you might be pretty

Chloe Jenkins she doesn't have to smile to b pretty. Shut up everyone who's saying she's ugly. Good way to boost a girls self esteem!!! Not

NahlilaterClearly under control here

john doesomeday it wont matter it'll only matter if shes down to do it or not

MadiYou guys who says dont mess with the way she is and we say she is ugly, well it is our opinion and you don't need to mess with it!!!

Madi@Rowski_13 you are an example we are not mean we are telling our opinion!!! So yeah

Madi@Chloe Jenkins and you are an example too

HorseLover72@Chloe Jenkins I agree

brooke62199Stop the hate. Stop the bullying. Why do you guys think its cool? It's not. It makes people think that your worse and uglier on the inside

💜(mrs.bieber)❤️@Rowski_13 well we r just speaking the truth and she's ok