whos life do you thinks harder boys or girls?

180 votes

55 votes


🌹✨Xox✨🌹Defintly girls we have periods,period pains,we always have to look good,child birth,and

🌹✨Xox✨🌹Name me one bad thing that happens to most boys

Robwe're the ones that have to work our butts off to get some Sweet sugar from our honeys.

🌹✨Xox✨🌹sexist girls work too

KEZZA @Rob Girls have to work just as hard as the boys especially if they have kids

KEZZA @🌹✨Xox✨🌹 Girls don't always have to look bad that's just stupid

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑@Rob how?

KEZZA @sweetcattiem Exactly thank u