Would you ever go out with a guy for the third Time with about 6 months in between

47 votes

You're crazy
166 votes

494 votes

405 votes


Rogue it depends on the guy and how he treated me!

Awesomedaisymaster@Rogue EXACTLY!!!

This girl.No, you said you gave him 3 chances....? He didn't value you the first 3 chances, so why waste your time on him? He doesn't know how to treat you, or else you wouldn't have Broken up.

MoodyMoonsadly, im the stupid one. i took him back AGAIN. never again

Prufrockit really depends

funstupidlove@Prufrock I like you profile pic

Emms if he is really interested then he should make his move not u

Emms Sorry wrong post 😝 just hang out with him not get serious cuz he left u on the road for six months

JessieI took back a guy 7 different times. Now he's gay xD I wouldn't suggest it.. Just gonna get hurt again.


Emma_auburn_girl_;pyeh depends

ChloeKet@Rogue I've taken my bf back many times and we're good but it depends on the guy