Who says we bring back the old fashioned ways of execution?

I do! No more of this lethal injection
183 votes

73 votes

No, that would be in humane
183 votes

174 votes


Duchessjohanna i say we torture the bastards.

Duchessjohanna No more of this pussy lethal injection shit

Lucas hang, electric chair. I feel u dog

DeJuanI sort of agree sort of disagree

... I say the firing line and noose needs a comeback

Duchessjohanna @... I'm talking fucking guillotine man.

Duchessjohanna Or some torturous shit.

...@Duchessjohanna And that

...@Duchessjohanna And the pole not a cross a pole

...@Duchessjohanna Its slow and painful

...@Duchessjohanna The mesopotamians used a sharp pole and pushed it up ur ass hole until u died

Duchessjohanna @... Yes! They need to e in pain.


DeJuanderanged people

...@Duchessjohanna But they need to reserve that for murderers like casey anthoney and osama bin laden

Duchessjohanna @DeJuan yes I am. But only for people who are cold blooded murderers.

...@DeJuan. Yes yes i am i have a perverted and torturous mind

Duchessjohanna @... Yes I agree.

...@Duchessjohanna Aww thank u

...@Duchessjohanna U know in the 1800 when u got caught stealin theyd cut off ur right hand if u got caught again off with the left

...Do yall know that viagra phone number i took some and ive had a erection that lasted for more than 4 hours

Duchessjohanna @... Nice to know lol

...@Duchessjohanna Im serious help me!!!

Duchessjohanna @... Um... Take care of it like one normally would?

Duchessjohanna Sadly I don't know the number lol

...@Duchessjohanna Idk how to take care of it do i need a shot like in meet the parents or somethin or what cold water or ugly women

Duchessjohanna @Duchessjohanna lol I like the meet the parents reference. Idk jack off?

...@Duchessjohanna I already tried that it just got worse a lot worse a d harder

...@Duchessjohanna Will u help me maybe if u help me itl work

Duchessjohanna @... Um look up the number and call it. Or go to the ER.

...@Duchessjohanna im just kidding calm down im only 13 and i dont need viagra

Duchessjohanna @... Yeah I was thinking what the hell does this kid need Viagra for, but I didn't wanna ask cuz that'd be kinda rude.

...@Duchessjohanna Hey u never know i coulda found some under my parents bed along with some condems and dildos

Duchessjohanna @... Oh geez, that's be an...interesting discovery.

...@Duchessjohanna Yea im not that lucky though i could use some condems i dont have a dad so if i do find something its gonna b lube and a dildo

...@Duchessjohanna Ill b back tomorrow i gtg to bed cause i got school so bye i might b back tomorrow

Duchessjohanna @... Lol. Not like that'd be of use to you

...@... I know Bye talk to u tomorrow idk why i keep comin back

Jasmineexecutions in themselves are just plain wrong!

JasmineYou can't justify wrong actions by murdering someone and anyway wouldn't you rather have them rot their life away in prison?!

Jesus H. ChristPsycho

🎩Banter🎩i say no mercy

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Sometimes I wish school would go back to punishment like the belt. Are the new ways of execution expensive?