For some reason I laughed so much at this :D

7 votes

Quite funny
19 votes

How is this funny ???
33 votes


Abby💜✨💍How are people not saying it's funny! No true sense of humour😓

Livvv🌿🌍👽💿@🌟✨Abby🌟✨ no it's just not funny

Abby💜✨💍@Olivia_ZaynMalik💙 no it is :/, we just have to agree to disagree :)

Livvv🌿🌍👽💿@🌟✨Abby🌟✨ I honestly really don't see how that made u laugh so much?!

Abby💜✨💍@Olivia_ZaynMalik💙 it just did ok? Other people laugh at different things and to be honest I don't really care what you think cause that's you

Livvv🌿🌍👽💿@🌟✨Abby🌟✨ alright take a chill pill love!

Abby💜✨💍@Olivia_ZaynMalik💙 think you need one :) now I'm going to be the mature one here and leave this stupid argument so bub bai

Livvv🌿🌍👽💿@🌟✨Abby🌟✨obviously u don't know the meaning of the word mature + I bet u will come back but u just won't reply

Abby💜✨💍@Olivia_ZaynMalik💙 I really don't want to have an argument, can we please shake hands? :)

Livvv🌿🌍👽💿@ ❤️Abby_ Rose❤️ erm................. NO! Thought u weren't coming bak anyway Iiar

Abby💜✨💍@Olivia_ZaynMalik💙 I can come back if I want it's my profile :) you can leave I'm staying with MY profile :)

Livvv🌿🌍👽💿@ Abby Rose yeah but u know ur a liar + ur not being mature then r u!

Abby💜✨💍@Olivia_ZaynMalik💙 how am I? I said I will leave, I left. I came back to my profile, that's normal :) I don't know why your saying I'm not mature cause you ain't either, and i was the one saying sorry your the one carrying it on, think about it.

Livvv🌿🌍👽💿@ Abby Rose I have thought about it, ur a liar

Abby💜✨💍@Olivia_ZaynMalik💙 oh step back , you know it's danger to think

Livvv🌿🌍👽💿@ Abby Rose wtf u on bout

Abby💜✨💍@Olivia_ZaynMalik💙 XD poor you :)

Abby💜✨💍@Olivia_ZaynMalik💙 I'm being serious now , I really don't want to argue, we both have different thoughts , I found it funny , you didn't , I just don't want to lead into some really big augment cause soon other people will come along so I'm going to ask you last time get along or leave each other ??

Abby💜✨💍each other alone*