Favorite food

85 votes

Lima beans (lol)
26 votes

51 votes

322 votes


...i dont get whats wrong with lima beans theyre good u just probably have never ate them

RutheI have no problems with Lima beans

XxXLoveXxX BACON, pancakes, pizza and fried rice <3

ѕωιм;)Lima beans are actually quite tasty

...@Ruthe. The. Why u like lima beans (lol)

ѕωιм;)@... Lol

ѕωιм;)@... How old r u

...@rαndσm gírl. Lol


...@rαndσm gírl. Im 13 how old r u

...@rαndσm gírl. Why u wanna know r u a stalker

ѕωιм;)@... Uh i don't think that that's an age..

RutheI like them n immature

ѕωιм;)@... I'm 12 and I was just wondering.

...@Ruthe. Did u just call me immuature bitch please

...@Ruthe. Lil hoe

ѕωιм;)oo! Cat fight! Lol

...@rαndσm gírl. And ur like i dont think thats an age really the lil kid tryin to act all grown up

RutheRight back @ you

ѕωιм;)@... I'm 1 yr younger than u and u just put a question mark so what was I supposed to say? God!!

...@Ruthe. Well. Atleast u admit ur a whore how much u cost

RutheThe fuck! And just stop commenting stuff gosh!!

RutheN at least I act like my age

...@Ruthe. Ok ok ok r u on ur period ur unusualy bitchy bye i gtg

ѕωιм;)@... Good

RutheBye n no ur wrong

ѕωιм;)@Ruthe lol I agree

SwerveNaani14bacon, fried chicken, Spanish rice, pancakes

That_girl_ChenoaI don't eat