Which kind of kiss is best?

Kiss on the cheek or forehead
210 votes

Eskimo kisses (nose kiss)
78 votes

French kiss
525 votes

Casual lip kiss
482 votes


CatherinaLEwwww French kiss

CatherinaLEwwww French kiss

Thomas I love to French kiss my girl and all!!

Makennawell I haven't had a first kiss yet and I'm in 6th grade

Holly Pattersonwhy is the picture a cat? Do you kiss your cat? Because I don't.

MyVeilisPierced@makenna gurl me to

👑Princess_Pewdiepie👑@makenna I'm in 1st grade (don't blame me for having this app)

•.• • Ashley • •.•I had a French kiss once.He was all UGH and I was FUUCKING CHOCKING I was spitting after.Note to "ALL":NEVER I REPEAT NEVER!!!FRENCH KISS

SoDevilish@CatherinaL what's so gross about it ?

SoDevilish@Kayla Snow why did you choose French kiss then?

SoDevilishFrench kissing is hot

Razor475all you 11yr old girls on this app shouldn't even answer this... French Kissing is great but it needs to be with someone who knows what they're doing. Three girls I've kissed had terrible technique. Made it not enjoyable.

DjI ani't had my 1st kiss yet but I don't understand how u kiss without using your tongue!! I guess I'm just slow!!

lexidepends on who