Who do I suit

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17 votes


AlexaUr never gonna be wiv one so y Ask😒

Niamh styles;)Cause I'm allowed god so moody


Niamh styles;)do I give1

Alexacalm down and take a chill pill. God 💊

Niamh styles;)make me

AlexaYou have got a really bad attitude 😒😡😠😶

Niamh styles;)o and u haven't

AlexaI have when I need to but I'm not wasted my breath on u 😊

Niamh styles;)how r u wasting your breath ur typing

Alexasame thing !! 😒

Niamh styles;)not really


Niamh styles;)just coz ur loosin

AlexaLosing what?! And it's spelt l. O . s .i .n .g ! U need 2 go 2 Skool and learn how to spell

Niamh styles;)really u need to get a life

AlexaY?? I'm not the desperate 1 asking people which 1 out of 1d do I suit coz ur NEVER in a million years gonna be wiv one!!


Niamh styles;)excuse me sharkmad123 I'm Niamh's friend charlotte and she can get anyone she wants and I'm sure harry would want Niamh more than he would want you so yes go away and leave her alone BOOM!

Alexai don't like Harry and I appreciate you for having a big imagination but truth be told u wont get with him

Niamh styles;)Did u ask for your approval