Pick one movie.

234 votes

Field of Dreams
62 votes

409 votes

Any Disney movie
409 votes


HighqualitydirtV For Vendetta

Kate:Dthe lion king xD

creator of randomnessI am probably weird 4 saying this, but in titanic when jack is u know freezing 2 death, well u cud sorta see that plank is HUGE! So err y did he not climb on with herself?? I was watching it with my da and we were both pissing ourselves laughing it was so stupid! He cud have just saved himself.

A person with an Ed Sheeran obsession @creator of randomness yeah I always say that she's there sprawled out on the wardrobe saying she's so cold it's like he's the one in the fucking freezing water

Ohsnapitzashleatwilight is my fave

Ohsnapitzashlea@Eve hahaha lol you two are so funny I always thought that the wardrobe rise was on jack could have gotten on it as well


Gail Truckenbrod To creator of randomness jack had to dye because then it wouldn't be as good so to me it was like the best movie ever

Mac Miller Toy story

User 119280I love disney movies

Highqualitydirt@Gail Truckenbrod, no jack had to die because women are compleat bitches

David.Hwatching titanic right now!!!😱😱😱



Nick 🍀🏉The movie I hope they serve beer in hell is hilarious, the end part is so funny, just make your not eating when you see it hahahaha 😝🍟

AlyssaTwitches 2

lexi@Angel that's amaz have u seen the second one

lexipain n game and identy thief and the whole series of Texas chainsaw

lexiboth big mama and haunted house and the call
