Feel young or Feel old?

Feel old
1899 votes

Feel young
8246 votes


Saleh Al-Homaidhihhhh i meant i feel old😄

peanutI am young lol

AlexisI am only 9 and it feels like I am 55

Zayn malik fanhahahahahahaahaha I'm 10 and I feel 121 ahahahahahahahahhahahaha

Joey McAllen who would want to be old feeling

Parker Ellis@Zayn malik fan Lol

joeyI'm 11 so I'm old

awesomechickon believe I can fly

•.• • Ashley • •.•Joey ur young I'm 1221 and feel 1 Jk I'm 16 ^_~

JosieI feel young...

Britty-Dog Lover Feel young bc I am haha. I feel like a 13 year old. Wait I am!

The real Mrs. Styles i feel my age (13)

Britty-Dog Lover Hahahaha ya.

HannahI'm 11 and I feel 7 lol

Josh GoldbergI wish I cud be ponce de Leon ... Just once even

Bailey_Boo! @Hannah lol me too!!

BethanyI old

kellybelly i am young I'm 11

kellybelly @hannah and @like a boss :) me too!!

Kaitlynn Mackinzy Jordan14...

ѕωιм;)@Alexis why are u in the 18 and up crowd then?

ѕωιм;)@Hannah ikr