Do you like Demetria Devonne Lovato?

She's cute but i don't Like her
120 votes

I hate her
67 votes

265 votes

I love her
235 votes


One DirectionerDemi lavato

Emma Roseeeeeđź’–It's Demi Lovato

Nature Lover (GTH)yeah!

juliette_loves_1DWhy put her full name

Isabella Henson I love Demi her music is awesome especially skyscraper. I only like her music I mean I like her soso but not much its just something weird that's wring with me

izzybella123it's Demi lovato

Sarah TOMLINSONwy full name?

Emersoni think she's a better singer than Selena Gomez, but Selena Gomez is a better actress.

Kelly Btw u could just write demi anyway love heart attack and unbroken album but she's an ok actress

DoriGreat voice, okay acting, amazing personality and story. More than anything else I am a fan of her as a person. <3