Do you think child molesters, & murderers should get the same sentencing? FACT: most drug dealers get more time in jail.

No. These are completely different crimes, people deserve a 2nd chance.
33 votes

Yes. Lock them up & throw away the key.
121 votes


ABSOLUTELY NOI personally feel they're monsters, and they completely ruin lives. There's NO rehabilitation for these creeps! Fry them, and let me push the damn "GO" button!!

Hahahahadeath sentence

🐄MooMooCow🐄(sarUchan)@Hahahaha Agreed! But I think we need public executions to put some scare into some people, cause theres too many people who aren't afraid of our Justice system...

ABSOLUTELY NO@🐒Monkey Bizness (Saruchan)🐒 AGREED!!!!
