Awkward moment when a kid with a fake ass picture and fake ass tits calls me fat and flat chested... I'm just short :L

Fat & flat chested
37 votes

Just fat
13 votes

No tits
39 votes

Just short ;)
83 votes


Hannah Boo Websterbtw this picture was taken at my prom

townzieboy none of the above

💩@Hannah Boo Webster theres nothing wrong with you ,you are beautiful don't listen to people they are only jealous😃

💜🐼👊PURPLE-PANDA-POWER👊🐼💜Your really pretty I don't know why anyone would call you that

🐄MooMooCow🐄(sarUchan)theres nothing wrong with you maybe she said that cuz shes jelly

FrankieI am the shortest on my class