Why is everyone so damn rude on here? (Most people)

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Ellie Warnessome of them are really mean

Fiona Boyle@Ellie Warnes yep

🌹✨AliceN✨🌹Im not really sure why and I wish they werent like that

👊Duchessjohanna👊Because people are little hoes and they deserve to be scrutinized

😉❤its_me@Duchessjohanna lol

Jasminewell I know people would say I'm rude but I'm only rude when ppl need to be out in their place because honestly must of this ppl are little children

airal6People are rude on here cuz you don't know the real them so on line they feel strong and confident so they do cyber bullying

💜🐼👊PURPLE-PANDA-POWER👊🐼💜I don't know but I'm only a bitch if someone's being a bitch I'm nice most people would agree