What do you think of the word "hella"?

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Don't mind it but I'd never use it
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It bothers me
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Never heard of it
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Xx_That_fucker_who_loves_MCR_xXI thought it said "Helena" at first XD only MCR fans will get this comment. Killjoys? MCRmy?

Mackenzie Never thought of Helena bit I just want to know what it really means doesn't anyone else

Nic@mackenzie it means hell

Nicit's ghetto

Niall is mineIt's probably hello because when a British person says hello that's what it sounds like.I know because I am British

Abigail Harveyi got this from Thriftshop by Macklmore. (rolling in the hella deep)

Mrs Stypayhorlikson@Abigail Harvey same

Y0L0 $W@GYolo