When You Get Your Period , Whats Your Mood Like ?

Same as any other day
66 votes

22 votes

41 votes

105 votes


JasmineI just feel tired and hungry all the time

Kenzie;)I usually get a little grumpy, and hungry, and tired, and some craps. But it's not too bad, some days. It's different for everyone though.

Jakyra LeePeriods r annoying the worst part about it is it comes every month 4 the rest of ur life

Sarah Angry, tired, cranky, hungry.

fiestytype😜HLK and in the mood for chocolate

fiestytype😜I feel like the HULK

Unique different every time...sometimes I have good ones sometimes bad

SerpentineUsually the same, I do get a bit more irritable. (I usually am pretty irritable, tbh.