Favorite candy

Tootsie rolls
219 votes

Blow pops
282 votes

Jolly ranchers
560 votes

1027 votes


Courtney Jolly ranchers are the best


Madison JamesI'm 11 btw and thnx for the comment on my question

Savvy@Courtney oh yeah

JasmineSour gummy worms or any sour candy

Abbie I'm 12. My B-day was on St. Patricks day!😄

Mrs_HemmingsJolly ranchers and sour candy

Kitty Kat😻@Jasmine same here!!!

Zayn Malik infinite luv🎵love jolly ranchers!!!

Zayn Malik infinite luv🎵@Mrs Jessica styles Horan Tomlinson Payne Malik I like your name!!

Belieber and directioner Um I could not choose easy but I choose jolly ranchers.

Mrs. Niall HoranWhere's Hershey's milk chocolate?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Brooktootsie rolls


Lizhate all they listed

SandraMaaaaan.... I haven't had a tootsie roll in years! Now I REALLY want one 😩😢

Epicness will eat uMilky Way

👑QueenBee🐝cotton candy.!!