What's your favorite candy?

1609 votes

1660 votes

3513 votes

Hard candy
826 votes


pdubzGummy bears!!!

JuliannaMike & Ike

Sydney Hershey's

awesomechick@Julianna I'm with ya

Anna bananachocolate has roach parts in it

Chelsea I HATE chocolate !!!!!!!!!

kimmynerds and sourpath kids! Mmm🍬🍧


CatsmeowGummy bears and jelly beans...


Babie Gurl01Skittles. Sour.

Briannagummy worms

Shasha P.I've cream!

Abigail D@Julianna mike and Ike broke up ='(

Josh Goldberghi chew, mike and Ike's, or lady taffy

lexiI hate chocolate

juliette_loves_1D@lexi why do u h8 chocolate


Josh Goldberg@juliette_loves_1D ditto

kgsour powers r my fab

Bailey_Boo! TWIX!!!

Kacey@kg i agree , sour powers r my fav and the BEST !!


BrittneyASmithcotton candy ><

Kayleesour patch ,skittles , Gummi bears,any kind of chocolate yea I like it all


lalajolly rancher sours!!! ;D

Chicasosweet@lala mhm

Chicasosweet@Kaylee yep

Chicasosweet@BrittneyASmith oooh I love me some cotton candy

Eviechocolate. Ghirardelli Chocolate to be exact

Je'kyaHope u know that ice cream isn' t candy

mariah meant to put choco


Andrew Kingboob

Emlee SanutyDiss

Pinkkiller24love me some Hershey

User 178490sower skittles

Skittles&gymnasticsLOOK AT MA NAME!!!! WHERE ARE THEY

User 178490sower skittles

Skittles&gymnasticsLOOK AT MA NAME!!!! WHERE ARE THEY


Maddie Gum is not a candy

Hunger direction!!!!!i live jolly ranchers

FarunqhJolly ranchers

Ballsur cndy

KenniRungs and momma but SKITTLES are my favourite candy of all time

John doeThe gummy fruit slices

Rarityi like those cream carmel thingies

briana Sour pouch kids

Mrs.Maliksour pouch kids

👊Duchessjohanna👊in the words of the green fish from spongebob, CHOCOLATEEEE