How often do u change ur toothbrush?

Once a year
41 votes

Um. Never. Or. I don't have one.
18 votes

Once a month
53 votes

Once every 2-3 months
86 votes


L I L Yas recommended which is 3 months

Jasmineyou're supposed to change your toothbrush ?! 😱😱😱😱😱


ANONYMOUSEvery 3months only thing I actually learned in school and actually did


emraldYEI don't change my toothbrush until the bristles are either smashed or gone. And then I save the brush because I became attached to it. 😊

TheDogLover⚓️I have had my tooth brush for almost 2 years!!!!

.@The dog lover🐶 Omg 😳

TheDogLover⚓️I know I going to get a new one soon

.@The dog lover🐶 Ok :)

ThephotographerGood q

Schultzytwice a day