Do you think smosh's videos are funny?

Hell to the yes!
259 votes

I don't watch their videos. Maybe I'll try someday.
93 votes

I don't know what that is.
140 votes

No, they think they're funny, but they're not.
72 votes


🐸Jacob🐸No they are stupid

Nature Lover (GTH)@🐸Jacob🐸 why?

Gerard Way's Bae they were funny, but now they are just annoying

Kagamine rin@🐸Jacob🐸 they are awesome

LucasThey are firetrucking awesome

Prettysha❤️🐓[blocked user]i like anthony. Hes so hot. I wanna taste his cum


Kagamine rin@Prettysha❤️🐓 i can't help but laugh in the good way

Prettysha❤️🐓[blocked user]😉 He's my crush. I would gargle with his cum


Nature Lover (GTH)@Prettysha seriously?

VioletDon't watch them r they good?

ANONYMOUSThere aight they have a shit ton of videos


JackRyanAt least they were before the bought a whole production team and everything. They were better when it was just Ian and Anthony doing the videos