If you such a "know it all" what is 267838383626251010101010788377737373773-2*+7838873762626726762666626262=

Haha very funny
64 votes

Who can guess that:))
20 votes

I have no idea
76 votes

That easy (comment)
107 votes


rockngrohlwhy is there a star after the 2 is my question :/

One directioner:*)<3@rockngrohl oh to make it harder it makes te number go twice as bigger!!


1Dlover123@One directioner:*)<3


HIf you're such a know it all* Please, before you try to be a smart ass, sort out your grammar, 'cause it sucks.

Miss_Rhianne_Xox_2001ppl use calculators sun ass

XxCarmenxXif ur such a know it all work out the answer first u bitch bet u can't do it without a calculator

One directioner:*)<3@Miss_Rhianne_Xox_2001 Shutup yh I'm not a dum ass yh and XxCarmenxX shut the fuk up yh bitch get a life seriously dog go rot in hell mother f***er

One directioner:*)<3@Helin. Fuck u fucker it just a question bitch alright u suck wel it's slang dog Fukin dog I got better things to do that talk to bitches like u mate

H@One directioner:*)<3 Yet you reply to me ^_^ And I'm sorry, but I didn't understand a word of what you just wrote. Maybe it's because I don't speak peasant.

Willow 726183.8371

One directioner:*)<3@Helin. Ur jus stupid then because ur jus a selfish little cow u know that mother fuka go rot in hel yh u probly don't even have mates maybe not even a family probably dumped u in care inih fam

One directioner:*)<3@Willow Lol no

H@One directioner:*)<3 Okay, one, I'm not your "fam", and two, the more you speak, the more you come across as a blithering idiot. On what basis did you make those assumptions you just said? Simply because I was stating facts and saying my opinion? If so, again, you're an idiot. Grow up. Next time, accept the correction of your grammar and move on. You're creating an issue out of nothing. Oh, and you need to go wash your mouth out with soap, because you're using foul language in the wrong context. I swear all the fucking time so I don't see anything wrong with it, but right now, you're just using it to make yourself look like an idiot. Go back to school and then come back with a valid argument once you can speak correct English, because your slang isn't helping your case at all.

One directioner:*)<3@Helin you have no right to talk about my life and your te idiot actually and "fam" is frase if your that dum maybe u need to go to school and come back with some knowledge go fuk ur self alryt it just a question of knowledge what ur problem yeh you don't deserve a family lil bitch go die and rot in hel comment back if u can fight with me cuz I'm serious don't mess with me I will track u down yeh

One directioner:*)<3@Helin. Ya big bitch

Love bird 726183.8371 dur

XxCarmenxX@One directioner:*)<3 ur just being unmature all you can do is swear but if ur gonna ask someone that then atleast work it out first I'm sure u teacher doesn't say that if e=10 then what is 4e x 9 and then all the pupils are like 360 and the teacher don't even know the answer

XxCarmenxX@One directioner:*)<3 lol u acc think u can track her down go on den and u can tell her what her own postcode is yeh

CandyCrazyColaCooldirectioner u r so silly anyway I bet u dont know

HLol, you're telling me to go back to school so I can learn slang? I'm not been going to say anything to that, because you did not understand a thing I said earlier. Did I incorrectly translate your peasant slang? No. The only one losing the fight is you, so I don't really give a crap. Track me down then, bitch. What are you gonna do lol? Go back to school and come when you're smarter than a brick and when you're not speaking peasant.

naghamthis can't be a real number

🎩Banter🎩@Helin i think u won that one!! 👍👍

H@Llew I did, didn't I? :P I had a typo too lol

🎩Banter🎩Not as bad as that one directioner person had 😉

H@Llew I'm starting to think she's just a troll. No one can be that stupid...I hope. I seriously hope to god no one is that stupid.

🎩Banter🎩@helin i'm not to sure, there are some parts where u just think that this person hasn't had a proper education



Pinky lovexxxSup mate