
2387 votes

Ewwww! Tomatoes?!
805 votes

I couldn't care less.
904 votes

1552 votes


JuliannaFood is good so don't judge it . If I were a tomatoe I'd say -say outta my bid ness

Thomas it's both! Seeds are on inside, but it tastes like a vegetable. So it's both

L I L Y@Thomas how can it taste like a vegetable... Im a vegetarian and to me it tastes like a tomato soo......?

Brianna @Thomas it can tast like that bye.....

Mrs styles it's a fruit

Mrs styles obviously

Thomas it is a vegetable dang it. Case closed for me. U all can bitch on about it all u want as usual. But I say it's a vegetable.

🎀They are fruits because, the fruit contains seeds...

Girlygirli say veggie

Chryzzi crazyyay I'm smart lol

Jennythey are a vegetable, the reason why there's confusion is not cause of the food itself it cuz back in hey day of our country the government wanted more taxes and fruit was taxed higher then vegetables so they said oh let's just say tomatoes a fruit so we can make more Money

Thomas @Jenny exactly!!

Chryzzi crazywow

benglen21@Mrs styles the explain bob the tomato in veggi fucking tales, it says veggi in the name.

T@MMyEww i do not like tomatoes ^^

cherrycola5182they r fruits

Yana100lol. Its knowledge to call a tomato a fruit, but common sense not to put it in a fruit salad

CJ Culinarily their veg, but scientifically their a fruit.

I love you Hiddlestonthey are vegetables

I love you Hiddlestonthey're**^

Natasha L Van HookIts a vectable and a fruit

Jeliso lets say it is a fruit.. Would ketchup be a smoothy? 😱

ArcaneSeraphsimple; fruit grow on trees, vegetables from the ground. Tomatoes grow from the ground, conclusion = vegetable

Harry @benglen21 I love Linkin Parl

Soph_da_duckIt has seeds like a fruit but it grows like a vegetable. So it is literally 50/50 and that is why people have the debate in the first place. Tryin to fight about it will never end in conclusion because it is 50/50 a fruit and a vegetable. There is no way to win the argument! It is not worth it