Have you had your first kiss? 💋

No, but I have a boyfriend; I'm waiting for him to kiss me though!!
83 votes

Hunbun - I'm not even a virgin!
94 votes

Yes! ❤
407 votes

No, I'm single and I think kissing is disgusting!
386 votes


Crusher <3no but I really desperately want to!.

Crusher <3i don't even have a bf right now!!! :/ ughhhhhh!

Alyssa <3@Crusher <3 me either:/ I'm working on it though. The guy I liked just told me that he made out with a girl I hate sooo...):

ryberaw that sucks

Crusher <3yea...

Crusher <3it sucks

SamLikeABoss Want to

SamLikeABoss Want to

KatelynWow! I havn't had my first kiss and I am single but I think kissing is awesome! Not discussing!!

EmilyIn single and I don't think kissing is disgusting

SHERNYAI have kissed a dude before on the lips and it was a guy i knew really well but I was a dare so I wouldn't count on it being my first kiss

cmariei don't think kissing is disgusting

A person with an Ed Sheeran obsession Kissing is a natural thing how is it disgusting

Goodman705@Crusher <3 well it's not disgusting but, no.

Mathematically💯ChallengedI'm single and haven't had my first kiss, u shud have made that one a choice not the hunbun one

MattMeant to push the second one

This girl.When I was 5....? That's the only kiss I've given.

DjHaven't had my 1st kiss yet and don't plan on it anytime soon..I'm only 12

love_kayla09i was going to with this guy that I liked for 3yrs and then he finally asked me out and we went out for 5months then he would txt me and tell me he's going to kiss me but I never happened and then he broke up with me and went with one of my friends and I was crying for days and still I'm not over him but I try to

B-rad@Star❤❤❤. Get of hey crowd. 12 yr olds shouldn't be on this

B-radHunbun not even a virgin. Had first kiss in kindergarten and has had many since. Don't stop at the kiss do sex it is so much more fun and romantic!!:)

Edwin Hunbun - I'm not even a virgin @B-rad I agree haha

KFS_vampiregirlI haven't kissed Someone yet(i'm 13),but i do NOT think Kissing is disgusting either.

LINAAAAAi picked I have a boyfriend and waiting for a kiss but I don't currently have a boyfriend (never did) but I never had my first kiss;(

LINAAAAAi picked I have a boyfriend and waiting for a kiss but I don't currently have a boyfriend (never did) but I never had my first kiss;(

carleyxoxo@Crusher <3 how old r u I had my first kiss when I was 13

carleyxoxoNot 13 12 sry

Hunger direction!!!!!i haven't

DelanieI don't have a boyfriend but I want a kiss From a boy

a.v.yeah , i'm single but i don't think kissing is disgusting . smh .

maddieCriderok i dont think kissing is discusige i mean it is a way to show your love but no i havent had me first kiss and yes im single :(

Lilly I want my first kiss so yes I'm single

Music obsession❤I am too young for all of that! I'm only 16. So no I've never had my first kiss..

LoriheartsuSingle and crushing waiting for first kiss

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌I had mine by my bestie named Bradley Stevens