Most op super hero (DC only)

Green lantern
2 votes

Dr. Manhattan
3 votes

6 votes

2 votes


ANONYMOUSI hate manhattan and his big blue balls

ANONYMOUSRorshac is beast he's BATMAN just a batman who kills I live that part in the movie and also in the comic "U don't seem to understand ur not locked I'm not locked I here with u ur lock ed in here with me"

ANONYMOUSThat was beast and u was like wow I want to go to jail and beat the shit out of some one just to say that awesome fucking quote and he says it in such a baddass way

ANONYMOUSI also love this The world will look up and shout 'Save us!' and I'll whisper 'No.' So bad ass I'm having a geekgasm I love rorshac if rorshac had everything that batman had to train my god he would be unstoppable to bad that manhattan fuck killed him

VeronicaI completely agree with you. I LOVE Rorschach, probably my favourite DC character. But since manhattan killed him, I had to put him on the list rather than Rorschach. This question was based on powers more than just general bad-assery (if it was Rorschach would take the cake). Tbh, this was based on an argument I had with my friends that went who would win in a fight out of these 3 characters cause they seem to be the most over powered in terms of super powers (or In batman a case gadgets and ninja skills)