What do u thunk of Colin Ford? (he's Dylan on we bought a zoo and Joe on under the dome)

OMG, want to marry him!!!
104 votes

I hate him
63 votes

Ehh he is ok
181 votes

He is SO cute
138 votes


Kenzie;)Love him!!! Soooo much!!

daphHe's hot 😍

🌼🌸Beautina🌸🌼Can i suck his cock?

Robthunk? What it r?

🐄MooMooCow🐄(sarUchan)@Rob Ha ha!

🌻Jada🌻@Rob oops

🍀Lind$ey🍀I saw him on under the dome, love that show!

Prettysha❤️🐓[blocked user]he's hot. I wonder what his cum taste like

🐄MooMooCow🐄(sarUchan)Oh man too much!😂

ANONYMOUSWtf under the some is so stupid

Kenzie;)I seriously can't wait for season 2 of under the dome, so I can see him!
