Do you now Who is this band

376 votes

I don't care
194 votes

I now but i don'like that band
95 votes

529 votes


myafifth harmony

AudreyFifth harmony duh

cloeIt says it on the picture

Byouits says it on the pic. Btw we are not dumb :P

yo boymcCoyit says so in the pic! God dammit


Ethanwho is it?

camjamyeah, they were on X factor

#belieberanddirectionerit says the name right under it

Ethanseriously, who are they?

Kayla says hiKnow*

ZoĆ«SixxšŸŽµšŸŽ¶šŸŽ§šŸŽµEnglish plz...

OnlyyKayyfifth harmony šŸ˜šŸ˜

leighaOmg it is on the pic