What is the point in life?

Go on HeyCrowd
88 votes

To get drunk
120 votes

Have fun
1164 votes

Sleep with people
137 votes


Bree Darrell.i get that feeling too sometimes. But you only life once okay? So have fun and make it worth while.

PerrieEdwardsthat feeling tells you to live while your alive

aubriethese are the worst options... -_-

QueenDiamondMake the most of it

Kitty kat life is a big mysterious rollacoaster, you don't know what's coming but you enjoy the ride! Xxxxxxx


alicexxxchange the world 😇

taylorhavefun I mean

Mae@taylor yeah

Mae@alicexxx yeah

MaeI'm agreeing with most of these comments lol xx

taylorlol but to have fun worship The Lord

MaeMmmm. Yeah. Your so right. And I'm so tired. X

taylorlol how do u tag ppl

Mae@taylor what do you mean? Xx

taylorOh never mind @jess

Mae@taylor sorry 😔 xx

taylorit's ok

taylor Bye

Mae@taylor oh ok bye xxxxxxx

Mae@taylor wait

Mae@taylor I know what you mean now by tagging someone

Mae@taylor you just click on their name xxx

tayloroh thnkz

Mae@taylor that's fine and sorry that I didn't understand what you meant before cxx

taylorit's ok and yup well goodnight

Mae@taylor ok goodnight / good morning cos it's morning now xx

taylor@Jess lol