If u like a guy u

Get over crush before getting blackmailed
59 votes

Tell him
310 votes

Secretly crush on him no one can know
367 votes

Avoid him but stoking
60 votes


artfreak27🎨I had a crush on my best guy friend but then I moved and I was going to tell but then he moved! kind of sucks because that happened a month ago!

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑If you like a guy you don't just walk up to them and be like "I <3333 you", you have to talk to them and get to know them and flirt. Then if they like you they will ask you out.

Ariana I told my boyfriend that I fancied him and I asked him out .... We have been together for 3 years

tipsyiscooli told a guy once by text and he said "ha ha frape!!" And I was like no its not and he said he doesn't feel the same way and now he like my cousin and my cousin likes him but won't act on it because of me and I dunno what to do because I feel like I'm in love with him and that was 6 months ago

awesomeI just made it obvious without making it to obvious

Natasia VenturaTell him if you feel like it, but if otherwise, don't.

WardaTell your best friend. That's what I did!