What is your favorite cake?

Don't eat cake for some weird reason
676 votes

Red velvet
1831 votes

4109 votes

1950 votes


Mrs.tomlinsonI don't like cake!

:.Catherine:Keller.:@Mrs.tomlinson WHAT!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

anaThree milks

โ™”โœงโ“ˆโ“‰โ“Žโ“โ’บโœงโ™”Why! Cakes are yummy!

Jewelz๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’Ž @Mrs.tomlinson OOOOOMMMMGGGGG!!!!!!!!! WHT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH U???!!!???!!! Lol jk i still dont understand lol

Jewelz๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’Ž @:.Catherine:Keller.: ikr lolol

Michael Moon@Mrs.tomlinson WHY?!?!,????!?!?!?!?!?!

KatherineI like cake & LOVE ice cream my fave flavor is mint chocolate chip bluebell is the best brand ;)

Pirale๐ŸญCake will make me throw up. For my birthday I always get just ice cream๐Ÿ˜†

April@Luna you have bad taste buds

Zoe 16Hello? Ow boy

Taylor what in the world @luna @mrs.tomslinson

JamieWho ever made the question should have put other instead of red velvet

Kristen LodgeI am Crazzzzzzzzzzzzy for chocolate and Red velvet cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emilyi like some cake but I get sick from the icing so ice cream cakes all the way

Nathan HenschIce cream cake

Macie BixbyI'm allergic but I love red velvet

Eviechocolate. German chocolate to be exact

Hannah i love ice cream cake:)

puppy girl yummy

lolia@Mrs.tomlinson its okay... But I love cacke...๐Ÿ˜

loliagerman is ๐Ÿ‘Ž Swiss chocolat is the best..๐Ÿ‘ @ kristen lodage you are not Crazzzzy

elibong kik me bandnugget I'm 15 male

Julia Am I the only one who likes cheesecake?

InstaBossi love this cake my neighbors brought over for some weird reason, because it was a carrot cake with raisins. It was really good.

Julia Am I the only one who likes cheesecake?

InstaBossi love this cake my neighbors brought over for some weird reason, because it was a carrot cake with raisins. It was really good.

kyleedon't like icing

๐ŸŽถKennedy๐ŸŽถthis is stupid

Bridget Chocolate rocks
