Favorite color car?

1230 votes

642 votes

952 votes

727 votes


A person with an Ed Sheeran obsession That is such a retarded way to spell colour why do Americans have to be so awkward and spell everything differently

Justin Newburywhere are you from?

A person with an Ed Sheeran obsession @Justin Newbury Ireland

Justin NewburySo do you guys speak English and spell differently?

A person with an Ed Sheeran obsession @Justin Newbury yes

Justin Newburyinteresting. Yea we spell some stuff really weird like climb haha


Lil' cutieWhite

Britty-Dog Lover White and pink

Ariana SimpsonEuhm actually black and white aren't colors...

A person with an Ed Sheeran obsession @Ariana Simpson yes they are look up definition of white and black

Michael Moon@Eve why do Irish people have to be retarded and spell everything differently?! Ya, it's not misspell, it's in the dictionary

Michael MoonSorry, I meant awkward

A person with an Ed Sheeran obsession @Michael Moon I never said it was misspelt

Taylor Black because if it gets dirty u can't see I that much

Michael MoonDifferent spelling is misspelled

🎧Emily🎨black or red

kortne Boone BLUE


Me A black car makes it hotter inside on a hot day then a white car

Ashly Silva loves JB!what's black green or blue

Rachblue .-.

michellewierd to ask


KamiRaeMine's blue <3

Babie Gurl01white. 🚘

hannah i would want blue

Rowski_13Lime green thats my fav color

Joseph Marshallblack

CaitlynBLUE :D

bebo317midnight blue for a mustang convertible 2013

Melanie sblue my fab 🚘

frankNeon lime green φοσξφβχησι

GraciePink, purple, blue, and lime green

Emily WeberYellow or red

McKennasilver!!! And don't be rude just because somebody spells different

ABSOLUTELY NO@A person with an Ed Sheeran obsession I'm from America, that's the proper way to spell COLOR. I'm wondering why you are fussing about someone's spelling, yet you ACTUALLY misspelled the damn word misspelled!