What is the saddest movie

201 votes

A walk to remember
123 votes

Charlie St. Cloud
78 votes

Spongebob square pants movie
161 votes


Rebecca Lynn Willhighti am legend

Mahomie4lifethe boy in striped pajamas

Lexi CampsThe notebook

Ryan Marley and me

Sofi 💜💚Titanic

Heatherthe stoning of soraya m the saddest part is that's it's based on a true story

aleThe boy in striped pijamas... I cried, its so sas


MidnightFuryall the ones you guys said are sad :/

🐄MooMooCow🐄(sarUchan)The Miyazaki film Graveyard of the Fireflies

the swagmasterSPONGEBOB


Yoda the SecondBreaking the waves. By far. Especially after she gets murdered on the ship after even the hookers warned her…

Shaya EngielszerTitanic

ABSOLUTELY NOWhat about "Saving Stephanie"? She hiked up that mountain just to fall down into the evil tree and then the evil clown got to her sister all while she was busy picking grapes from the peach tree for her sick grandmother to take to her cancer ridden brothers last football game!!! Oh, I guess everyone just "forgot" about that movie.


Stillthatbritishpanda🐼I LOVE CHARLIE ST. CLOUD!!!!