Do you sleep in the nude

Only on hot days
1163 votes

Never wanted to
2272 votes

No but would like to
909 votes

946 votes


Selena why do you want to know that's just sick!!!!!

jjIt is I believe the kid

boss 19 buddyya i let my balls hang freeeeeee!!!!!!!:)

boss 19 buddyya i let my balls hang freeeeeee!!!!!!!:)

AlexisThat so grips

KikiBear<3Why the heck do you need to know?!?!

Sarah TOMLINSONi know right

pinkbananas14that's so fricken gross!!!!!!1

pinkbananas14who would want to do that???

Brianna Eww one time this guy out of the blue told me he did:(

oh_hey_deredepends on whos with me ;)

Schwaby10never want to

Sammy never!!!!!!!!!!!!

User 197852ewww

User 197852ewww