Do you believe me when I say drake is my cousin

Ur crazt
128 votes

Wat u takin bout gur
277 votes

156 votes

1079 votes


The bossdrake the singer if it him you are retorted.

MRS.RAJAT TOKASwell how rude of you

EmersonAre you just joking around, or are you actually serious? Because I could believe you if you weren't joking, I'd jut need to see a pic of you both together :)

Mrs styles same

Allen Blahaguys I think it's cause he's black

deanwell im related 2 a really really famos celeb as well

Mrs styles @dean who?

goodapplesareyummyLol I have a cousin named Drake, but he's like 7

Jewelz💎💙💎 @goodapplesareyummy lol

BabyStarbucks🌸um okmkkm

Britty-Dog Lover Who's Drake?

I <3 Harry stylesi agree w/ Emerson ;) play game with me Emerson u rock

I <3 Harry styles@allen blaha is that a racist remark?

Pitbull lover133@Britty Kitty u have got to be kidding me

marissa10@Emerson I totally agree with u!!!!!!!!

Bubblegum RainbowWho the heck is "drake"???

marissa10@Bubblegum Rainbow he is a pop singer

sadaf bieber@Emerson is right because u need to show a pic of him and you to prove it

Alaysia@marissa10 Noee He'zz A Rapperr Nott A Pop Singerr

Alaysia@Britty-Dog Lover He'zz A Famouzz Rapperr

awesome chick@Emerson and Sadaf bieber Totally

Sweet__nerd_box_lailaso u r Jewish cuz drake is Jewish


💦💕if u were drakes cousin u would be living in a big house and u might me famous but sorry girl but u ain't his cousin ok so get over it

Lilly ParkerWho is drake???

Christina H.@dean who are you related to?

Parker Ellis@Lilly Parker he's a rapper

Chris s.#29R u high????

brenna@Emerson im with u

💟HannahLoves1D💟Prove it! Take a pic if y'all together and put it on here!