What kind of school are you in?

Elementary (wow ur younger than me)
46 votes

53 votes

180 votes

144 votes


Nick omg!

DjI'm in 6th so Idk if that would be considered elementary or middle school cuz all the changes...

neverfornothing @Cupcake 💋💋 I think it's mostly middle...

creator of randomnessum, I think it's middle school. I'm 13, so I think that's what it is over in the states. Like, the 7th or 8th grade or something like that?

Hannah6th grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dat boi popplio??? They're called different things in Ireland so idk...

hI'm awesome, that's all I could say

krista6th grade

jaybirddancer8th but I skipped a grade so...

Bluuub2014I'm out if school. Worked 2 years, but will start again next year. 11 grade, Highschool ... I think.

Not Your Average CalvinWould be in college