Do you like santaclaus

How is he ?
95 votes

210 votes

90 votes

495 votes


Effiemae242Course I believe in him and I looveee him!!!

Filipino pridei don't celebrate Christmas :p

sadaf bieber@Filipino pride I don't celebrate Christmas but I still believe in Santa

Filipino pridei don't celebrate Christmas :p

sadaf bieber@Filipino pride I don't celebrate Christmas but I still believe in Santa

Countrychick12i believed that Santa existed back when he gave little people gold way before I was born but I don't believe that he comes at night and gives me presents

bluppyI'm Jewish idiot

nugget_babywho is santa clause??

nugget_babySrry that was my friend she is frome greece and no i dont like that ugly old fat stalker

maddieCridernot real

RereSanta is real!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God_lover/ IsabelleLove the Pic ct