Are you still a virgin ?

Hell No .
68 votes

No .
255 votes

Waiting until marriage .
111 votes

Yes .
1110 votes


Robert Devanare you?

lakesowait till married

Goodman705whoops, YES.

A person with an Ed Sheeran obsession Seriously waiting for marriage as if

Rachel..I'm waiting for marriage Eve, it's just a little thing called pride. And I respect my future husband enough to give him a precious gift. Besides at anytime I could be like you but you could never be like me

Razor475@Rachel.. Thank you. It's things like that that makes me think we actually have a chance to have a future as a society. Too many ppl don't think it's special to wait

•.• • Ashley • •.•@Rachel.. I'm not waiting for marriage but I can be like you and wait

•.• • Ashley • •.•@Rachel.. You can be like me I can be like you

Britty-Dog Lover @Rachel.. Nice. Good point and good comment.

Britty-Dog Lover @CBuiscuit I do too. And yes u r right.

A person with an Ed Sheeran obsession @Rachel.. I'm still a virgin(considering I'm only 13) so I could still wait for marriage but I just don't see the point in waiting until marriage

drummerjr@Rachel.. I'm totally with you!!!

RereI am, and I probably always will be!!!

jerseygirl18zzzit's called making love and how do u know if they are in love unless they comitt to u

This girl.@Rachel.. So true! *high five* GO ABSTINENCE! I'm doing it for loyalty, I wanna male sure he knows I gave him my all.

DjWaiting for marriage!! There is sooo much I wanna say on this comment but its just to hard to explain over a comment..

Prufrockwaiting for marriage!

Music loverwhAt does virgin mean

Edwin I'm not but I probably should have waited:(

Edwin Ohh and I'm 15

Queen of NailsWaiting until marriage 👰


Dark_chocolate1&only@Dodo head.. U never had sex!!!

Dark_chocolate1&only@Edwin ur 15 and is not a virgin!!!..not good not good at all!!

This girl.@Dark_chocolate1&only It's not good, but he can't change it...

Carlos Portillo@Rachel.. Your going to have a very lucky husband.

DjOk to me it all as to do with my religion but not just that also pride And respect.(waiting til marriage lik I said in my 1st comment)

Dark_chocolate1&only@Dodo head.. U never had sex!!!

Dark_chocolate1&only@Edwin ur 15 and is not a virgin!!!..not good not good at all!!

This girl.@Dark_chocolate1&only It's not good, but he can't change it...

ray rayI'm 10

hafI'm 11

Rere@haf Ikr I'm 12 of course I'm a virgin

Sasha HayesIm 19...Im so not a virgin lol. But i lost it with a guy i was dating for 6 years...I thought he was my everything. But he cheated on me. So dont be like me, And loose your virginity early, to someone u think u know is going to be there for u your whole life. Because you think uk someone, but they turn out to be everything u imagine they weren't going to be. So wait till marriage childrenn. There is no rush.

...sadly yes


Taylorswift8982Waiting until after marriage

familiar1Waiting for the one...should be for the one I vow myself and life with....Jake 😍

Taylorswift8982U don't know how some people lost they virgin thing

familiar1@kitty Well...that's important I guess...there are some horrific situations but...It should really not matter cuz if Ur with the person u want to spend the rest of Ur life with then it shouldn't matter

Gerard Way's Bae It's sad that they're some kids that aren't on virgin.

Marisa 😝IM TOO YOUNG 🙀