Is your favorite color purple?

304 votes

556 votes

i like it but its not my favorite
332 votes



Mackenzie I don't care for it but sometimes I like it

JewelzπŸ’ŽπŸ’™πŸ’Ž i like purple

JewelzπŸ’ŽπŸ’™πŸ’Ž Not my fave

neverfornothing I'm sorry. This is matter of opinion... Purple is gross.....

neverfornothing I'm sorry. This is matter of opinion... Purple is gross.....

Belieber and directioner Peach kinda with like orange color

Shinedown01@bloodluv17 I love blood red

Hunger direction!!!!!I hate purple!πŸ˜’

neverfornothing @πŸ’˜ May the odds be ever in your favor πŸ’˜ I totally have to agree.

Ally Marie @πŸ’˜ May the odds be ever in your favor πŸ’˜ I agree

Ally Marie my favorite colorz r turquoise black nd gold

RANDOMI like blue! Purple's nice but not my fave.

Ally Marie @Hi!πŸ˜‹ Yup!
